Prime logistics investment
Glasgow, United Kingdom
8 Nov 2024
Property Details
115,530 sq.ft.
10,733 m²Gross area
64 £/sq.ft.
698 £/m²6.50 %
Investment Overview
The subject property comprises a large distribution warehouse arranged across four bays, of steel frame construction, with facing brick and part metal cladding to the elevations, formed under a pitched roof which is over clad in profiled metal sheeting. The property extends to a Gross Internal Area of 115,530 sq ft and has an eaves height of circa 5m. A ring road of tarmac surfacing runs in a clockwise direction around the property, with additional yard space to the east of the property with a hardcore surfacing. The site extends to approximately 5.87 acres. The property is let to London City Bond Ltd on a newly agreed 20 year lease on FRI terms, subject to a schedule of condition, expiring on 31st May 2044.
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