Retail warehouse investment
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Voir nos forfaitsDétails du bien
À vendre
88,498 sq.ft.
8 222 m²Surface locative
113 £/sq.ft.
1 216 £/m²7.63 %
Pleine propriété
Aperçu de l'investissement
Purpose built retail park, together with an adjoining solus unit. The 88,498 sq ft retail park is located in a prominent position fronting the Clough Road A1165, which forms an arterial route around the city. 44% of the income is secured until 2026 and 27% until at least 2031. t Current rent of £813,995 per annum, which equates to a very low average rent of £9.20 per sq ft. There is a WAULT to lease expiry of just over 5 years.
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