Prime Retail Investment Opportunity in Oxford City Centre
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Voir nos forfaitsDétails du bien
À vendre
16,435 sq.ft.
1 527 m²Surface locative
581 £/sq.ft.
6 254 £/m²8.00 %
Pleine propriété
Aperçu de l'investissement
Oxford benefits from a large and highly affluent primary catchment population of 326,000 people. The property is held freehold. Total net income of £815,000 per annum. WAULT of 5 years to expiry and 2.8 years to break. Well-configured retail accommodation as a benefit of being relatively modern buildings following redevelopment circa 1972. Both are of steel frame construction and were subject to tenant fit-out works in 2016. Neither is listed, but both are within the Central City Conservation Area.
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