Value-add multi-let industrial estate
Manchester, Royaume-Uni
Core+, Value-Add
15 Jan 2025
Détails du bien
À vendre
172,234 sq.ft.
16 001 m²TFA
56 £/sq.ft.
612 £/m²7.50 %
Aperçu de l'investissement
Multi let industrial estate providing a mix of light industrial, high bay warehousing, industrial open storage (IOS) and ancillary offices / retail units. Excellent transport connectivity being located approximately 1 mile from the M56 and 2 miles from the M60 Orbital Motorway. Current net rental income of £783,814 per annum (£4.55 psf). AWULT of 4.6 years to expiries (3.0 years to breaks). Estimated rental value of £1,171,301 per annum (£6.80 psf). The property is significantly under rented and presents an opportunity to access the full reversionary potential of the site through active asset management (subject to obtaining necessary planning consents).
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