UK Government Statutory Undertaker Let Investment Expiring 2031
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Voir nos forfaitsDétails du bien
À vendre
59,497 sq.ft.
5 527 m²Surface locative
94,58 £/sq.ft.
1 018 £/m²10.00 %
Pleine propriété
Aperçu de l'investissement
59,497 sq. ft office building with 433 car parking spaces. 4.4 acre freehold site Entirely let on a full repairing and insuring lease to Anglian Water Services Limited. Anglian Water is a UK government statutory undertaker. The tenant has been in occupation for 28 years. Long lease expiring on 28 September 2031 (7 years 6 months term certain). Five yearly upward only, open market rent reviews (next 2026). Total passing rent of £600,000 per annum.
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