Sainsbury's in Reading
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Voir nos forfaitsDétails du bien
À vendre
27,417 sq.ft.
2 547 m²Superficie brute
247 £/sq.ft.
2 658 £/m²9.00 %
Pleine propriété
Aperçu de l'investissement
Situated in a 100% prime trading location on Broad Street, with neighbouring tenants including Primark, John Lewis, M&S and JD Sports. The property is let to Sainsbury's on FRI terms for a further 4 years. Sainsbury's is the second largest supermarket operator in the UK, with a turnover exceeding £26.69 billion. There are a number of short-term asset management initiatives, including the re-gear of the occupational lease and/or conversion of the upper floors to alternative uses (STPP).
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