Shopping center with rental income
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À vendre
13,654 m²
Surface locative
952 €/m²
9.70 %
Pleine propriété
Aperçu de l'investissement
Two shopping centers in the main street of Savonlinna city. Own land 12.443 m2. Two commercial buildings with the size of 9.891 m2 + 3.763 m2. Built in 1981-1992 and renovated 2006-2013. Buildings are well maintained and in good technical condition. 90 % of lease area is leased to well known reliable tenants. Long term agreements. Annual income from rental agreement 1.824.000 EUR. Operational cost 564.000 EUR. Net Initial Yield 9.7 %. Existing management company. Can be sold as share or asset deal.
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